
Repeated donation for the Selb and Wunsiedel-Breitenbrunn animal shelters

One of the most popular events of the year took place recently: the Selb and Breitenbrunn animal shelters came to Thierstein with four-legged support. The reason was to hand over a donation of 2,500 euros each to the two facilities.

The meeting and handover of a symbolic donation cheque traditionally took place at the BD|FORUM, where CEO Rainer Denndörfer presented the donations to Ms. Julia Stopp from the Selb facility and animal shelter employee Daniela from Breitenbrunn. Animal supporters were also on hand for this special occasion: male dog Sirius from Selb and the somewhat shy Milo from Breitenbrunn provided plenty of action and brought a smile to the faces of everyone present. Both dogs are available for adoption (as of Jan 2025) - profiles can be found on the websites of the respective facilities.

As an animal-friendly company with our own office dog in the Development department and many animals in the families of our employees, this event is always something very special. We are proud to be able to support the two institutions on a regular basis and thus make a contribution to the well-being of the community in our region.

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