Commercial Fishery: Locating fishing zones with combined pressure and temperature sensors

Commercial fishery nowadays seeks not only to realize best possible business results, but also feels obliged to comply with “Green Deal” aspects.
The situation is quite critical – our seas are threatened to be depleted of fish, so vessels are compelled to penetrate more and more remote places in search of high-quality fish. However, we all want to keep our ecological footprint at a minimum.
Purse and Danish Seines are nets that encircle and catch large schools of fish. Different fish species are located at different sea depths and temperature areas. This makes it vital to locate the species in question as precisely as possible, so as to save energy and time resources and to keep the oceans’ biodiversity.
State-of-the-art fish-finding and fishery systems are one of the essential instruments in achieving these goals.
BD|SENSORS has developed a seawater-resistant and corrosion-free pressure and temperature transmitter, which is used in a so-called “Catch Monitoring System”:
- This system combines depth and temperature measurement in one device and is watertight down to 1,400 m.
- The depth sensor can tell the position of the fishing net down to 1,000 m.
- The temperature sensor can tell the sea water temperature with high accuracy between -5 and +35 °C.
All data are transmitted wirelessly to the vessel. The fish vessel can then monitor the sink rate and depth of the seine and decide, when to start and stop hauling and which speed to use.