
DMK 351P

ceramic sensor (flush)
hygienical application

The pressure transmitter DMK 351P has been designed for measuring small system pressure in the food industry and chemical industry.

The DMK 351P is based on an own-developed capacitive ceramic sensor element. It features high overpressure resistance and high resistance against most of aggressive media. A variety of different process and electrical connections and an intrinsically safe version complete the range of possibilities.


  • nominal pressure: 0 ... 40 mbar up to 0 ... 20 bar
  • accuracy: 0.35 % (opt. 0.25 %) FSO
  • hygienic version
  • diaphragm ceramics Al2O3 (99.9 %)
  • high overpressure capability
  • several process connections (G1" cone, Clamp, dairy pipe, etc.) (G 1/2, dairy pipe, clamp, etc.)

Optional Features

  • IS-version
    Ex ia = intrinsically for gases and dusts
  • customer specific versions e.g. special pressure ranges

Areas of application

  • mechanical and plant engineering mechanical and plant engineering
  • chemical industry chemical industry
  • laboratory laboratory
  • medical technolgy medical technolgy
  • food and beverage food and beverage
  • packaging and paper industry packaging and paper industry


  • sewage water, sludge sewage water, sludge
  • water water
  • colours and lacquers colours and lacquers
  • viscous and pasty media viscous and pasty media

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