pressure transmitter HU 300

HU 300

stainless steel sensor (strain gauge)
oil and gas industry

The pressure transmitter HU 300 has been especially developed for extreme operating conditions in the petrochemical industry (on- and offshore sites). A high degree of reliability and accuracy is the precondition for a perfect function during cementing and tightening processes (annulus) on wellbores.

A one-piece pressure port, a high-quality pressure sensor and precise machining and assembly techniques ensure a small drifting and a high long-term stability. A very high resistance against vibration, shock and pressure peaks without any influence on the measurement characteristics is guaranteed.

Due to the extreme environmental conditions on-site, it is important to offer solutions to different requirements, as f. ex. an intrinsic-safe version (zone 0), an electrical connection with IP 68 or special steel materials.


  • nominal pressure: 0 ... 5000 psi up to 0 ... 15 000 psi
  • accuracy: 0.5 % FSO
  • vibration / shock
  • extremly robust and excellent longterm stability

Optional Features

  • IS-version zone 0/1 (only for 4 ... 20 mA / 2-wire)
  • different output signals 
  • pressure port in Inconel®, electrical connection Glenair (4-pin) or mechanical connection WECO®2" (1502, 2002/2202) on request

Areas of application

  • oil and gas industry oil and gas industry


  • fuels and oils fuels and oils

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