
Christmas donation makes it possible - Life Kinetics lesson in Hoechtstaedts' primary school

As reported, BD|SENSORS 2024 decided to forego Christmas presents for customers and donated to local educational institutions instead. Höchstädt elementary school has now invested its donation of 1,000 Euros in a hands-on project with life kinetics trainer Jonas Zeidler.

At the end of January 2025, the seminar took place in the classes of Höchstädt elementary school, where the pupils trained their cognitive skills in a playful way. Under the guidance of Jonas Zeidler, the children reacted to various acoustic signals by adapting their body movements such as clapping or lifting their legs. Silke Wolfrum from BD|SENSORS had the opportunity to attend the seminar and gain an insight into the interactive learning approach.

Following a hands-on session in the 2nd grade, a symbolic cheque handover took place, during which the pupils, Jonas Zeidler and Silke Wolfrum from BD|SENSORS took a photo together. A successful campaign that the students obviously enjoyed very much.


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